• Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard


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    Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. En voir +
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. En voir +

    Wine makers’ portraits

    Cédric Faure,

    Château Viguerie de Belaygue

    In the South-West of France during the Middle Ages,  a “viguerie” was an administrative jurisdiction.

    Although he does not dispense justice, Cédric Faure works with great judgement and respect. Devoted to the land and to this “terroir”, he is very committed to bringing the best out of each plot of land.