• Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard


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    Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. En voir +
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. En voir +

    Wine makers’ portraits

    Philippe Laduguie,

    Domaine Saint-Guilhem

    Thundering typhoons ! Captain Laduguie is no landlubber ! But when he’s not on board a sailing boat or a catamaran, Philippe is out amongst his vines or in the winery. Just like the man himself, the wines are powerful and full of character, the perfect companions to meals bursting with flavour.